Are we in a simulation?

shataxi shukla
2 min readMar 27, 2021

Living in a simulation ain’t bad not believing we are in one is dangerous. Let’s play a game, ‘imagine’ you are ‘A’ in a video-game, you can act with your own free will. Like every other game, this also has rules, time-bound, levels, missions, points, treasures, learning’s etc. As well as demons, bizarre situations, imposters, tough times etc.

The time ‘creator’ of this game gave you the power to act on your free will is no more liable for your actions. Despite this truth, ‘A’ blame’s others for his failure, which is nowhere going to redeem anything.

‘A’ starts playing a match and met so many characters in it who comes in those stages to teach or give him something which he will need in the coming levels. But cuz of ‘A’’s disbelief that he is in a game, instead of watching, understanding, learning. He starts expecting, staying, connecting with them, delayed his growth in reaching its last stage.

On a primary level, ‘A’ met a multitude of characters, one was ‘peter’ came to train him ‘how to fight demon’, but instead of learning ‘A’ wasted his time staring at his iridescent sword, then ‘peter’ went away. Now, in the next level, he loosed the match and again started blaming the creator. Although ‘A’ was resilient, he stood, learned, fought and won.

‘A’ is a boondoggle as again in the next stage ‘john’ was there to give him four stones but, ‘A’ was interested in his Flamboyant shoes. But like any game, a particular character comes for a limited time with a fixed goal. Apart from that, he cannot give you anything else, no matter how badly you want it. As in the end, the game is imperative you will be getting only that thing, which you will need to reach the next level otherwise.

Various such situations showed ‘A’ was finicky about worthless stuff. ‘A’ doesn’t believe in learning from Erstwhile failures and ends up losing time, points, a life he never reached the last level as time passed.

We all are looking for freedom, but the trick is we are the one’s who cage ourselves. Learn from the things pertinent to you & are in your life instead of expecting to carry them with you. ‘No one can stay with you forever’ everyone has to reach somewhere. We all are helping others and taking back for us too to reach the next level. What matters is ‘how desperate you are to see the last stage of the game? Everyone is not able to see the end cause they meddle with situations and waste their time.

